Welcome to the American justice system
And I use that word (justice) loosely....
"This is a lawsuit, not a career, Mr. Coppolino," a rather exasperated Judge Vaughn Walker explained in court today, chiding the lead counsel for the Justice Department, Anthony Coppolino, as Mr. Coppolino's stony-faced counterpart from the National Security Agency, Timothy Stinson, sat silently at his side. Why obey court …
Oh YES Your Honor! Please, YES. WE the PEOPLE of these terrorwar-assaulted and Untied States are WEARY as can BE of being evermore ruled over and overruled, over and over and over again, by pinstripe-clad Phederal tinpot twatdangles such as these!
The trouble with them all is only, y'see, that they all tend to become all nervous and terrified and fulla' bullyboy shriekdown kinderscheiss at the mere sheer *prospect* of any emerging GOOD EXAMPLE actually making it out inyto the Light of Day.
That is correct, Your Honor! Infandous indeed, but it is now so. For setting and keeping to the Best Civick Example Ever Made Available under Heaven, We the People are now tagged "Terrorist" by these Florcheim Imperialists and DHS toady-bums. Ah, but jail is still by rights for SECOND-raters, now is it not just, Your Honor?
Indeterminate Minimum Sentence for all such, PLEASE, with time off for successful completion of Civics and American Government 101, even though that course was last taught in the US school system about 1973 or so, then abandoned amid a blaze of Writhing Telly-Vision Spandex and Fashionable Designer Druggage while the Friedman Chicago School Fraudulent International Securitization Finance Ponzi-Go-'Round was at last cranked up to full whirling "Just-Runnit-om-Empty" tilt.
Additional time off recommended, Your Honor, for ANY such Phederal defendant EVER becoming able to demonstrate POSITIVE commitment to as well as competent proficiency in the Bill of Rights. Until then, AWAY with them ALL to Deepest Darkest Club Fed! Oath-breaking KNAVES of the WORST sort, these ones!
WHAT? The CONSTITUTION and Bill of RIGHTS is now OUTLAWED TOO? (Ohyuh. Bush Legacy Executive Orders, left not-yet-rescinded...) But Your HONOR...
Mine's the Secret Suit Coat with the Suitably Secret Doctrines in the Secretly Suitable Pockets. Nope, y'can't spot 'em. They're Secret. Stick out all over the place in every direction, they do, 'cause they're just so durn secret. (Gottit.)
Phil Koenig posted, on Saturday 6th June 2009 20:54 GMT as follows:
> I nominate that last missive for "Comment of the Year" status... :-)
Thank you for that signal honor, Friend Koenig. Nomination accepted; one only hopes the core point is well taken all up and down the Non-Faulty Shear Line of Genuine Human Intelligence, so to term it, all the way to the point of Restorative Corrective Action. Minus that, I think we got right near bupkus left to fall back on in times of Rampant Abject Tyranny, be it of the velvet- or steel-glove variety.
CotYear? OK. Again, thanks! Miz Bee'll flog it herself if Herself really really likes it, of course. ;)