I used to like this Internet thing. Now thanks mostly to Google, Wikipedia, Blogs, and Ubuntu forums, it's impossible to find /anything/ at all.
Google insists on bumping Wikipedia entries, doesn't differentiate between the quintillion copies of any given press release that end up on blogs, word-for-word, ranks forum posts, and seems to give priority to older information. That means when I look for information that was just spewed across the net a week ago in a press release, all I get are copies of a press release on a similar topic from a year ago. And when I look for trouble shooting info on say, nVidia Linux drivers, I get forum posts from 2002. That sort of thing is completely useless, but that's all you can get in the first page or two. And starting around page 3 you get mostly completely unrelated pages.
I know you can get Google to narrow down the time range, but there's no selectable time range between 1 week and 1 year. That seems to be a mighty large jump, especially when I'm looking for information about an event that happened a month ago.
Google is clearly just phoning in their search these days. It got them started, but now it's not nearly as important as whatever the hell else they're doing in those data centers.
We need one of those startups from a couple Stanford/MIT Grads/Dropouts to come by and develop an Internet search for today's trashed up content, and we need them not to get bought my Google before they release a useable tool. Of course, the chances of that happening are as rather slim.