Nice but...'s Tim M not Tim H :-)
Websense users were temporarily blocked from enjoying the launch of Microsoft's Bing search engine on Monday. Similarities between the Bing domain and that used by a Microsoft IM app - rather than the ready availability of porn through the new search decision engine - were behind the temporary roadblock. Bada Bing block …
Websense has an option to force safe search on the usual suspects (Google, Live Search, Yahoo! etc...) so you can't do an image search on smut and squint yourself blind looking at grumble flick thumbnails.
Alas Websense hasn't yet caught up with Bing. And the thumbs are bigger on Bing, I've noticed, too.
One of the useful features to be found in Websense and other web filtering apps is the ability to force popular search engines into safe search mode no matter what mode the user tries to select. How long will it be before Websense et al enable this functionality for Bing given it's propensity for serving up grot?
Our last filtering system prevented us accessing eBay, but allowed most personal sites and blogs to be accessed. Now suddenly our IT stazi bring in Websense and eBay is allowed but just about everything is blocked, including useful coding websites, etc.
Still, at least I can spend time shopping for cheap tat, and of course still get on here.