back to article Palm Pré plays nicely with iTunes

More details of the Palm Pré's functionality have emerged at the D:All Things Digital conference in San Diego, including iTunes integration and a Twitter client, not to mention promises of a GSM version suitable for an 2009 European launch. The fact that the device still isn't on the shelves didn't stop Palm's Jon Rubinstein …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    I have to say...

    The Pre has me interested. I'm not going to hand in my iPhone anytime soon, but here's hoping Palm will be able to claw themselves back to a viable market position (at the expense of WinMob, please).

    The kind of integration that Palm has put into the Pre is something I was hoping Apple would have thought of as well. I think the Newton has given Apple shell-shock, or rather, innovation-shock. You can see it with everything they do now: they introduce something which is technically slightly ahead of the competition, put some spit and polish on it and sell it. it works, because they make a boatload of money, but I do long for the days when Apple would come up with data-soups

  2. TeeCee Gold badge

    Apple's reaction?

    I don't think they'll be too upset. It just serves to reinforce their "iTunes p0wns teh wurld" strategy. B0rking Pre compatibility would only have the effect of pissing off Pre owners, causing them to export everything, remove iTunes, bugger off and buy their digital music elsewhere in future. I know I would if I were placed in this situation and it would take the moon on a stick from Apple to get me to move back. I like to bear a grudge when companies piss me off.

    As for the hardware side, anyone taken with the Pre's iTunes compatibility will probably already have an iPod anyway, which is why they have their stuff in iTunes and thus give a shit about it. Anyone else'll probably keep using Windoze Media Mangler or whatever floats their boat.

  3. Bad Beaver

    If it had a cardslot

    that would actually be interesting. Scratch that. Proper iTunes Sync is a great feature that I wholeheartedly welcome in every device whose maker is interested in my money.

    All for nothing though, since I will not buy a Eurp-Pre if it cometh locked to a single provider.

  4. Anonymous Coward


    Isn't this the same as a horde of Creative players and any hardware device whose vendor has licensed the iTunes SDK? That's what the SDK is for....

  5. Gene Cash Silver badge


    There is no way I would ever part with money for a Palm product ever again. The hardware might be great, but the company is a bunch of bumbling backstabbing fools. They make the RIAA almost look good.

  6. Jimbo


    "not to mention all those bit-torrented tunes imported into Apple's media player"

    Did you really have to mention this?

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