back to article Google toys with plug-in free YouTube

Google has mocked up a version of YouTube built around the HTML5 video tag, playing mini-movies inside a browser sans plug-ins. Google vice president of engineering Vic Gundotra demonstrated the mock-up during a keynote speech this morning at the company’s Google I/O developer conference in downtown San Francisco. But he …


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  1. Rod

    So what video format??

    Interested in how this works I did a quick search and it seems that the W3C originally were going to have Ogg Theora as the audio/video codec but ditched that idea when Nokia and some other people got involved.

    As I understand this is just having the decoder and player built into the browser. As flash has some huge penetration in the market what is the advantage of using <video> rather than flash plugin?

    The idea of being able to drop a video tag in and know it is an html standard sounds fantastic but who is going to give me odds that some browsers does not implement it so has to be worked round (cough IE).

    Anyone know answers?



  2. David Viner Silver badge
    Gates Horns


    Well, I'm sure Microsoft will get around to implementing HTML 5 before 2020...


  3. sage
    Thumb Up

    Yes, please

    I would love to see a Flash-free YouTube

  4. jai

    re: Yes, please

    and i'd love to see a flash-free The Register

    there's nothing more annoying that to see my browser freeze while loading the page, and i know it's nothing other than a poxy advert that i don't want to see anyway that is causing it

  5. Camilla Smythe

    When is a plug-in not a plug-in?

    "Google has mocked up a version of YouSandwich built around the HTML5 sandwich wrapper, serving mini-sandwiches inside a browser sans fillings."

    "Browsing his not-YouSandwich page, he showed five or six sandwiches with different fillings simultaneously inside his Chrome browser. "Thanks to the [HTML5] sandwich wrapper, sandwich fillings are served between slices of bread right in the browser and they're intrinsic to the HTML page. Those are not ... six fillings. It's just JavaScript and sandwich wrappers and that's it."

    So.... just the bread and the illusion of BLT or Coronation Chicken then?

    Excuse me whilst my head implodes...

  6. Jimbo
    Jobs Halo

    to @Rod

    just to add what you mean by "other people".... APPLE are "other people". Who would expect move like this from loving caring friendly Apple, right?

  7. The BigYin


    AdBlock and Flashblock are your friends.

    Greasemonkey can remove a lot of the cruft as well.

    Leaving you just glorious content and do distracting crap. If the ads weren't so intrusive - I wouldn't block them.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Re: So what video format??

    "Interested in how this works I did a quick search and it seems that the W3C originally were going to have Ogg Theora as the audio/video codec but ditched that idea when Nokia and some other people got involved."

    Indeed. The patent cartel decided that they couldn't possibly allow unencumbered codecs to be deployed widely, hence the lobbying against Ogg Theora and the like. Of course, the apologists will tell you that Nokia and friends were merely "unsure" about whether bits of Theora are patented by the usual trolls (Intellectual Vultures and friends) and proceeded to FUD it up from there.

    Of course, we could all be using Dirac, developed by the Beeb, who presumably know the codec game inside out and know what might be patented from their extensive experience in the game (even though such stuff shouldn't be patentable in the first place), but watch Nokia and chums ramp up the FUD as soon as Dirac goes anywhere near widespread, standards-endorsed deployment.

  9. Yfrwlf


    <3 Google

    Seriously, HTML 5 is an awesome standard and a nice 3D standard will be awesome too. Everyone has been waiting WAY WAY WAY TOO LONG for net standards involving video and animations and such. While I'd really like to see the standards directly built into HTML that describe moving graphics around and such, "external" APIs like OGL and such will have to do for now. I just hope it's not too long before you see lots of sites adopting them!!!

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    What's wrong with the word 'f*ck' all of a sudden?

  11. Chris
    Jobs Horns

    Mouldy Apple

    Apple, with the others, can go suck themselves for moaning about OGG. Apple like to think they are "better then MS" but clearly all they can think about is their fucking shite excuse for a program "iTunes" and the shitty DRM they want to put all over their shitty files. Go fuck your self Apple; the same as every other big, yank corporation

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