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Vatican blesses iPope app for Jesus Phone
Those of you who simply can't wait for Benny 16's latest pearls of wisdom on AIDS in Africa and Angels and Demons will be delighted to learn that his Holy Big-Hattedness is now available direct to the Jesus Phone and iPod Touch. Yup, breaking Catholic news comes to you courtesy of the H2Onews app, delivering video, audio and …
Wednesday 27th May 2009 12:52 GMT Chris Haynes
Apple rejected my iPhone app...
It was simply a picture of El Pope, and when you shook the device his head bobbed about a bit.
The reason for rejection was something about ridiculing public figures... Surely, El Pope has done enough to ridicule himself? Condoms cause AIDS, etc.
Paris because, well, she would, just for the publicity and the blinged-up Popemobile.
Wednesday 27th May 2009 21:26 GMT Anonymous Coward
This merely confirms that anti-Catholic bigotry is the only acceptable prejudice left. It's shameful to see derision in what should be an objective statement of facts. The responses indicate the massive ignorance, bigotry, and prejudice that is all warm and accepting when it comes to Islam, the religion of hand chopping, wife beating, suicide bombing, and genocide, but rejecting the religion of Dante, Raphael, Michelangelo, Mendel, and other heroes of Western civilization.
Thursday 28th May 2009 09:19 GMT Ian
Would that also be the same religion responsible for enslave Muslims, pagans and other unbelievers... or responsible for inquisitions and the murder of many innocents?
Maybe I'm getting my religious history mixed up here, but I was under the impression that both religions have a vicious, blood-stained past.