Presumably the MS market research didn't get round
to finding out that for a whole generation now the word Bing is the surname of a character in a popular US sitcom, rather than just some stupid nonsense word
Microsoft is reportedly spending $80m to $100m on a new ad campaign for its search engine, which is set to launch next month under the moniker “Bing.” According to Advertising Age, the software giant has thrown a heap of cash at print, web, TV and outdoor ads in a bid to get people to “Bing it” rather than “Google it” for …
MSN seach hasn't delivered accurate enough results for years so unless Bing does, it will be a Wolfram Aplha lame duck.
No amount of marketing can cover up bad search results.
For example our company comes below about 5 council reports on us (favourable thank god!), how does that happen? On Google, official website is first.
Totally off-topic, I know, but Bing is a silly name, as Chandler from Friends will no doubt agree. However, I have taken to calling my Oyster card a "Doinker" and religiously "doink" in and out each day, so maybe if it catches on, it'll work.
But at the end of the day, anything from MS isn't going to be overly popular with the tech crowd, who will just keep telling people to Google stuff. And, yes, Windows "Live" is such a horrible, horrible brand. I don't normally advocate "brand renewal" but in this case, everything I touch that wants to mention Windows Live turns me off.
"...for a whole generation now the word Bing is the surname of a character in a popular US sitcom"
And for several generations it is the first name of an American singer of the 40's, 50's and 60's. (where do you think the writers of Friends got the name from?)
The person that wrote the sub-head "It'll search its best for you, a rum pum pum pum" obviously knew this, though his duet with Bowie was done when Bing no longer knew who he was, let alone Bowie.
"Totally off-topic, I know, but Bing is a silly name, as Chandler from Friends will no doubt agree. However, I have taken to calling my Oyster card a "Doinker" and religiously "doink" in and out each day, so maybe if it catches on, it'll work."
Annoyingly, Barclays have trademarked 'Hole in the Wall'. I like Charlie Brooker's idea of renaming them 'Money shitters'. If everyone starts calling them that, HITW will become obsolete and then they'll be stuck.
>However, I have taken to calling my Oyster card a "Doinker" and religiously "doink" in and out each day, so maybe if it catches on, it'll work.
If you hear someone saying "Doink" very loudly on the way home tonight (Moorgate/KingsX today), that's your fault. Much better than "Oyster" (I mean, wtf is that supposed to signify? An irritating piece of grit surrounded by a slimy mudbathing sluglike creature? And you can't yell "Oyster" when "Doinking", it doesn't sound right)
It is very close to the "Yoink" sound we get in Matt Groening cartoons when someone holds up something valuable and another character "Yoinks" it out of their hand/gripper/tentacle
Again with people judging based on name alone... It hasn't even been released yet and eveyone is already bashing it.
Also, lay off the name, seriously, I am still pissed that google stole the name of a mathematical constant, completly ruining it. (1 x 10^100)
Its still the only alternitive to google's advertising money printer they call a search engine, which may get better results that everyone else.
If I had to chose between two monopolies, I would chose the one that I know what they are selling and not what they are paid to sell.
'Bing hands Satchel to Ballmer for cream cake with extra cream. Ballmer hands Bing cream cake with extra cream from Satchel.'
When questioned Bong said...
'Didn't tell me nuffink about it, great big lump. He's not exactly the brains on the team. I guess that's the Universe then.'