Obviously ...
... a Jedi Master !
Of course he'd want to save the world.....
Fans of the Lads from Lagos will be delighted to learn that one Ade O. Ogunjobi has made an audacious bid for the remains of Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities LLC - pitching no less than $100 trillion in stock or 400,000,000 shares in order to establish the world's biggest bank "to fight global poverty and now to address …
This kind of thinking is precisely what caused the current financial meltdown in the first place. The idea that you can buy companies with money that you don't even have is an accounting slight of hand. The accountants love it - it makes capital ratios and returns on investment look much better. But at the end of the day you don't actually own anything and after the slightest disturbance the whole house of cards comes crashing down.
You're right actually. According to what I read, there is not a shortage of money, there is a shortage of confidence and credit. This guy has to be given credit for his confidence!
All we need is lots of confidence, all financial deals to be done on a 100 year repayment plan and all will be well; for our lifetimes and our children's lifetimes. After 100 years, our grandchildren can start refinancing packages and so it will go on, a lifetime of luxury for everyone for ever!
I have a $100 trillion banknote hanging on my office wall. Including mounting and the frame it cost about £25. It is an enormous help to look at it before making investment decisions.
Nevertheless I would be willing to sell it to Mr Uglijubli for the low, low, price of £1,000, (ONE THOUSAND GBP), and so solve all his financial problems. CIF of course.