Of course it will!
Yeah, I seem to remember Messers Gates and Ballmer saying that about their little MP3 player, just after Apple's iPod had sold it billionth unit!
Best of luck against Blackberry and iPhone though!
The Palm Pre is going to sell so well the company will have trouble meeting demand. This is according to impartial observer Dan Hesse, CEO of Sprint, the network with an exclusive deal to supply Palm's last-chance handset. Palm is betting the company on the Pre, which is set to launch on the 6 June. What is less well reported …
How long will it be until Palm decide to abandon this product line and move onto something else leaving customers with expensive, unusable devices (or go bust). I'm still haven't seen the Vista compatible desktop for my Tungsten T5 PDA and I doubt I ever will.
I would never consider any Palm product in the future, no matter how 'good' because Palm lack integrity and treat their customers like dirt.
Still waiting on the announcement of the GSM version for us over here in blighty!
Also not so sure on the pricing if this translates to a £1 to $1 as is usual, rip off, practice it's just to expensive. I dont plan on starting to pay for my phones and when I could have an Android phone, or even *cough* a Jesus phone, for FREE with a two year contract why pay?
did you not read the article? Palm do not have a version of the Pre that'll work on the UK networks. It will only run on the US network. Therefore, no UK launch for the near future.
And if it is correct that they've only been able to manufacture so few, they they're going to have their hands full for the next 6 months or more just producing enough units to sell to US customers before they'll be able to start thinking about the rest of the world and setting up new production runs with GSM chips in them