I wouldn't worry too much
The allegedly corrupt tech chief might soon find a suitable posting in the UK House of Commons.
Apparently there might be suitable opening for which he is amply and ably experienced?
Michael Dell, chairman and CEO of the eponymous computer vendor, has been deposed by a New Orleans judge in a lawsuit concerning double-dealing in that famously corrupt city's crime-camera program. The lawsuit is heinously complex, but we can safely say that it accuses the computer vendor of acting improperly when providing a …
Are you sure, what world do you live? So tomato (no matter what you call it) really is a fruit and not a vegetable even in US? Remember, the law is not so simple. The missile I sell to you is a "peace saving device" if you use it as I want but, if you use it by your own it may turn to a "weapon of mass destruction". Kind of difference between those two definitions, or? Now, I don't know a law which says that an object can't be renamed or the name or an object can't have several meanings. That's why we need(?) lawyers, politicians, judges and other blessed by some higher understanding / god to explain others what all the terms and names mean at any time and place, said / written by different persons!
I am shocked, SHOCKED I say, to hear that there is corruption in New Orleans! Why, you'll be saying there's corruption in Chicago politics, next.
Seriously, for all the crap that Bush and the US Federal government got for their handling of Katrina, and some of that was deserved, most of the "credit" should go to the governor and mayor. They had no plan for this sort of thing (a hurricane on the gulf coast! unpossible!). What's more, Florida had developed plans and infrastructure to handle this sort of thing because of their experiences. They offered it for free to other states in the area and offered free consultation. By and large, the states readily accepted (and have gone back to Florida for extra help and to provide them with extra data). Louisiana never asked, never wanted the information, and from what I gather, has not worked with anyone else since then.
One example: some of the states around Louisiana offered their national guard to come in and help keep order. This isn't unusual for a big natural disaster. It provides a way to show authority, gives people an authority figure to go to in case of trouble, allows an efficient (and guarded way) to get supplies in and distributed, they have heavy equipment to get work done, etc. But you can't have one state just sending in troops; that won't end well. So Oklahoma, Texas, and even Arizona had national guard troops on the border and asked the governor repeatedly if they needed help. She never responded. She was too busy blaming the federal government for all the infrastructure woes. And waiting for her cut in bribes, I suspect.
Huey Long once said that the people of Louisiana were going to get democracy one day, and they weren't going to like it one bit.