....correct me if I'm wrong, 15 year olds are still legally children. Threfore I see no wrong..
We reckon that ToysRus had better have a quick word with its parter Lovefilm about the DVD rental outfit's recommended viewing algorithm: Devil's Whore recommended for children down at Lovefilm We're obliged to reader Jack Lear for bringing this outrage to our attention, and have of course made our dossier available to the …
All at LOVEFiLM are sorry if this caused any offence and would like to thank you for bringing this to our attention. This has happened due to a technical error with our product information feed and we have fixed the issue as of this morning and now only children's titles will be seen on this page.
Again, apologies for any offence and we can assure you that this was not a deliberate act.
>> I thoughts children were defined as being people who haven't yet passed puberty? 15 probably too old for that.
I thought children were defined as those who have (or at some point have had) parents. Okay, it is typically take to mean under 18 or even under 16, but I certainly I don't remember there being a pre-pubescent requirement.
What about El Reg's new TD2YDT* tech? I refer, of course to the Bravissimo ads that have started appearing on any remotely Bulgarian AB related story. There am I working up a rightious head of steam over illicit plod HD sizeure and up at the top of the page - NORBERTS!!! - <Homer> Mmmmmm, Norberts...</Homer> Keep it up, it's the geek dreamtime, IT and large breasted ladies with their shirts off. So one hand for pizza, one for the mouse, one for the...damm!
Cheers, Steve
*T*ts Direct To Your DeskTop
They are around - I remember being shocked and upset when they crept out on a story about Della site.
They are mostly lurkers - so like most women, even the IT breed will wait for you to hang yourself with a comment before they put the boot in! :)
Wonder where the dominatrix is these days... Sarah??