...they're basically English anyway. We just let them think they have a national identity to keep them quiet (although it doesn't seem to work most of the time).
*runs for cover*
Welsh users of Facebook have got themselves into a bit of a tizz since the social networking site decided it coudn't be arsed with Wales and shifted a large percentage of its population to England. According to the BBC, those whose home towns were previously listed as Aberystwyth, Bridgend, Cardiff, Pontypridd and Swansea - …
What a bunch of losers. Technical glitch affects Welsh nationalist freaks, and rather than send a quick note and wait for the inevitable fix, they'd rather have a massive bitch over something so insignificant as a profile field on Facebook.
What the hell is wrong with you people?
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I knew the Welsh would try to take over sooner or later- and look, here we are in England sitting around on our hands totally unprepared!
Before we know it London will be reclassified Llwndwyrn and Birmingham will have been burned to the ground.
Actually, come to think of it, that wouldn't be so bad. I, for one, welcome our new vowel-rejecting overlords.
"Wales... ... is not a country anyway, any more than Yorkshire is."
When I read this article I resigned myself to reading such anti-Welsh comments. Wales is a separate country (though practically considered to be a Principality) within the UK -- I take it you've heard of the various Acts of Union between 1536 and 1564: "The country of Wales justly and righteously is … incorporated, annexed, united and subject to and under the imperial Crown of the Realm, as a very member and joint of the same." Indeed Wales is thankfully a separate country to get away from cretins like you.
I don't mind if you keep Cardiff, though. It and the valleys are about as Welsh as Ulan Bator.
"I knew the Welsh would try to take over sooner or later"
Too late, I'm afraid. Mrs Tudor's son Henry and the 'Anglesey Posse' got rid of the last English king in 1485, and his son 'Tubby' then united the two bits into one country - "England and Wales" - a legal definition which has never been repealed. So there is actually no country called "England" (which means there's also no country called "Wales" either - as Mark Daniels correctly pointed out - but that's a minor niggle when it allows me to wind up the Saxons).
Flames cos... well surely that's obvious
"who don't understand what all the fuss is aboot:
It's like you woke up Canadian."
I'm glad you put it that way and the English get to be the civil Canadians! ;)
"It's like you woke up European."
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................... :'(
I've made a decision I'm neither English, Scottish or Welsh... you're all as bad as each other you racist son's o' biatches! *looks for Canadian emmigration site*
>> They have been listing people from Southampton as being in Portsmouth!!!!!!!!
>So, moving the scummers up-market then... :-P
OK, I think I asked for that one, but in lieu of an IT angle I'll quote Geoff Hoon......
"Umm Qasr is a town similar to Southampton", UK Defence Minister Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons yesterday. "He's either never been to Southampton, or he's never been to Umm Qasr", said one British soldier, informed of this while on patrol in Umm Qasr. Another added: "There's no beer, the women are ugly and people are shooting at us. It's much more like Portsmouth"
Either I'm just too tired and missed it or nobody has made the obligatory “because I’m the CEO, bitch” reference… Maybe it was in the best interest of executive bonuses and “shareholder equity” to take a few liberties with geographical fact?
Mine's the one with the I (upside down heart) facebook on the back of it, because its founder is a tool.