back to article Facebook users warned over renewed phishing assault

Facebook users are facing a new wave of phishing attacks following a previous barrage in April. Fraudulent messages from already compromised accounts on the social networking website attempt to trick users into handing over their login details to one of a series of fake sites. The assault follows the pattern of a previous …


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  1. cookieMonster
    Paris Hilton

    What were they expecting ...

    "...... who have since apologised for the cock-up."

    That's what happens on smut sites. And to think ye were only commenting on the Irish papers re "working to the bone... etc. etc." earlier.

    Paris..... well, you know....

  2. Tony

    Stupid is as stupid does

    'The theory runs that access to a profile on a medium-sensitivity site, such as Facebook, could be a stepping stone on the way to owning a more sensitive online banking account or similar tasty miscreant treat.'

    Surely no-one would be stupid enough to use the same password on something as inherrantly unsecure as a facebook account as on their online banking? Oh wait - This is facebook users we are talking about. Carry on.

  3. WinHatter

    Unbooking believable

    How daft can people be ???

    I'm sure that the saying is true ... given that some are using the same password for their eBay, session & emails ...

    Use a lame password on that kind of social website because we have a lame lifestyle but banking accounts should be treated to stronger password.

    OK I'm being lame in my statement but lames are being bankrobbed. Excellent!!!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm OK on this one then...

    I have been known to use the same password on multiple sites, but I've always managed to keep banking ones separate, just in case anyone managed to nick one of my lower-grade passwords.

    Not that I have much to do with Facebook anyway, apart from creating an account to stop someone else impersonating me.

  5. Winkypop Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    Outrageous, scandalous, criminal !!!

    Oh, it's only affecting Farcebook users you say?

    Carry on, nothing to worry about then...

  6. Inachu

    NOT ME

    I did not get any fishy emails from hacked accounts.

    I'm very safe on facebook.


  7. Steve

    Makes me laugh

    They always use teh term "Hackers"

    I would take that as an insult.

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