NOT a good article
Starts with yap about the Sex Party in BC, where everyone is already half-stoned anyway, and then neatly segues to the Bush regime, which is a horse of an entirely other color.
I just voted in the BC election on Tuesday; if there'd been a Sex Party candidate I would have voted for him/her/it, but no, all we had was a "Liberal" candidate (a dim rightwinger, actually, the BC Liberal party having been kidnapped by conservatives 15-20 years ago), an NDPer ("New Democratic Party", a bunch of very soft-centred would-be socialists that couldn't wipe their own asses clean without using a mirror, and even then would probably leave skidmarks in their undies), and a "Green" party candidate (another bunch of dimwitted ideological types who tag all their pet political yearnings with "green", regardless of the truth).
Meanwhile in Vancouver, Wreck Beach is full of naked bodies enjoying what they can of the scanty sunshine, the grow op industry is continuing to crank out some awesome weed, and the population at large tells the pols to fuck off and not bother people who have more important things to worry about. What's for dinner, dear?
Where is the Rhinoceros Party when you need them? (Canada's answer to the Raving Monster Loony Party)