Lots of expert here
In the years of reading this once fine online publication, I have noticed something that is peculiar to all "IT" websites; the majority of commentards know dick. I've given itthe name "Comic Book Guy Syndrome" - ill-informed bigheads that believe their actions and views are correct and all that matter, and that success is something to be attacked a scorned. More often that not these moron's have the chutzpa to suggest that they have better solutions and that they a superior to the people that conceived the idiocy in the first place, but forget that they just a support technician; not really IT, is it?
Russell said; "... something beautiful and original, and replace it with something modern and anodyne.
How very American."
The existing building has *NO DISCERNIBLE ARCHITECTURAL MERIT* nor any real historical importance. Any of the contents that could be viewed as important is salvagable. The building itself is an ugly pastiche of 18th century style - *catagorically* unoriginal, especially when you consider it was built in arguably architectures most exciting period since the gothic revival.
Toastan Buttar said: " And I quote... “The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste; they have absolutely no taste."" Your point? Are you saying what is there is tasteful? IT'S THE 20's EQUIVALENT OF CHINTZ, MAN!!!
Oh, come on Steve, surely you can afford the $18 mil for the restoration? Why did U buy the house in the first place if you want to tear it down?
It's much older than most of us and it deserves to be preserved in the future!
AC Thursday 14th May 2009 07:47 GMT said: "Oh, come on Steve, surely you can afford the $18 mil for the restoration? Why did U buy the house in the first place if you want to tear it down?
It's much older than most of us and it deserves to be preserved in the future!" Perhaps, and this I admit is wild thinking here, HE BOUTH THE HOUSE FOR THE LAND IT WAS ON! There, that's wasn't too hard to understand, was it? Just because a building is old, it doesn't mean it should be "preserved for future generations". That's bollocks - perhaps Windows 1.0 - 95 should still be supported for future generation - it's the same premise.
AC Thursday 14th May 2009 02:05 GMT said "How the hell can a 6000 sq ft, multi-million house be eco-friendly? If he really wants to be eco-friendly then build something smaller and lower cost." What, exactly, has cost got to do with an object being environmentally friendly?