Well they can have my cable...
Seriously, it's a pretty good service (as long as you pick your times to do downloads) from VM, and as long as they continue to merely talk (very quietly) about Phorm and not do anything productive about it, then I'd be happy ... normally. The service is acceptably fast (most of the time) and quite reliable.
Note to FuzzyWotnot et al - Virgin don't have Phorm in place, they're still just at the 'we're thinking about it' stage - wish they'd hurry up and decide how they're going to tell Kent & co to "---- off!".
What's got me hot-under-the-collar is that as an existing "L" b/b subscriber I was paying £25pm, then I find out that they've dropped the price of "L" for new folks to a fiver less - and this isn't one of their limited time tasters (that's £15pm for 3 months). So I phones up to get my bill adjusted (downwards!) only to be told that I get a lot of special features that the £20pm-ers don't. None of these special features are ones I use, so I wanted the fiver "in me 'and" ... no dice from Vermin!
I'm so p'd off by this (and the shitty attitude of the non-Indian helldesk) that I'm seriously thinking of telling them to take the lot away and I'll go pay Sky a tenner less for a way better TV package but only 1/3 of the broadband speed ... I'm patient, I'll be quite happy to wait the extra time, (or go find something else to do). VM? What a shower of ....
Still could be worse - I could be with Etragul's mistress ... BT! :D