Bye Bye Big Jobbie
He is not coming back - would you with his dress sense?
Apple's new version of Mac OS X - 10.5.7, released on Wednesday - may have a longer life than previously thought. Cupertino has also announced that the next version, Snow Leopard, won't debut at the company's upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) as many observers had hoped. Instead, Apple will distribute to the June …
Though I think the Key Note will be just blah because Schiller just doesn't have the presence that Jobs does, as was obvious at Mac World. However I think there are going to be some very interesting developments to come out of all this. I'm disappointed by Snow Leopard not being released at WWDC but hell a final developers preview is at least something. Hopefully it signals an August release schedule.
I love Steve Jobs; a great businessman. Whether you love Apple or not, look at what he has done. Apple were on the brink of bankruptcy. he takes over, 12 years on, in the midst of a recession, they are stronger than ever.
OK, 12 years on, and where are Apple now? Well let's take a look...
Jonathan Ive; Best industrial designer, bar none.
Scott Forstall; Created the iPhone SDK.
Bertrand Serlet; Snow Leopard around the corner...
Steve got Apple back from the brink. Time for him to kick back, recover, and let the people he has hired take control. Things are looking great for Apple, even in these troubling times in business.
Get well soon Steve, and relax! You've hired the best people, now let them take control!
Yes but if you multiply Planck's constant (6.63E-34) by 2 it's still a very fucking small number. This is also a good analogy for Apple's products. Were shit. Are Shit, just very slightly less so.
Flames cos you know when they come for you.
As much as Steve Jobs and his ilk annoy the piss out of me, I am smitten with my Macbook Pro- great for music production, DJing and other stuff that I can't use my Linux boxes for.
I'm ashamed to say that I am actually looking forward to the new LOLcat, as my newest Mac has two GPUIs- I'd like to see it taught some fun CUDA tricks.
Yes, I think the pricing structure for MacOSX stinks (I am an old freenix bigot), but I am now mentally prepared to pay for a new kitty. Hell, I am mentally prepared for Win7 on my gaming rig- though that will probably be a great deal more expensive and stressful.
Damnit, I came to make snide remarks, I fail. Sorry, chaps and chapesses.