like fast food chains
if google makes it all more convenient through apps > hi-speed wireless / mobile than dealing with Windows and MS apps, google will be serving billions and billions, nay, trillions and trillions of easy to digest, tasty data packets to the hungry masses
if you own the data, or even possess enough, you own the internet ..
he who has the most servers and networks rule .. doesn't matter if it's YouTube data, Facebook data, vpn corp tunnel, phone data .. if a company can put it's brands on your display moreso than anyone else, that company wins the data and software monetization *game* .. see ?
microsoft hasn't ever been in the optimisation game .. doing more with less .. it will be it's downfall
google is all about optimization and efficiency of resourses, comparatively, and tying together the pieces of what the future of computing for the masses might look like .. cell phones and netbooks running webbased apps, services, and of course, *secure* backup services and storage space for all .. for your convenience and for your best user experience, you must be connected ..
will all be very interesting when the blackhats and spies get in .. eh ?