blah blah blah
blah blah blah think of the magic number of people whole lose their jobs becouse we can't sell our crappy product - whatever. Create a distrobution channel that you can exploit - oh right you shot one (probably dozens) down already.
Directly I couldn't give a toss - however I watch alot (and I mean alot) of fansubbed anime and Japanese Drama, most of which you'll never get over here (so whilst simultaniously trying not to be branded a peado I must also hope I don't become a funder of terrorism - as apparently according to some ad I saw piracy funds terrorist - funny it was about a week after 11/9 that suddenly all the pirates started funding terrorists amazing network there.)
Now technically I'm stealing loads of crap I can't buy and even if I could buy it it makes a series of Lost look like a stocking filer (£20 for a crap dvd between 3 and 5 episodes a disk, that's been from pal to ntsc and back to pal by dumb ass yanks)
Not that in the end it really matters, we all start having problems just move back to irc, still problems? Off to share and perfect dark. But still it's a pain in the ass I can't be bothered with.
Also I'm wondering why trackers arn't just flooded with fakes, these media folk are pretty stupid, nd they don't care if someones really downloading they just want to look like big tough guys, and if all the proof they need is an ip address is listed on a tracker then woohoo talk about fun times.
Pirate bay could do us all a favor and add the all UK Gov addresses to their trackers for lols.