@Big Chris
Way to miss the point here.
The point is that I know you fanboys love your database and every time you see the term 'MySQL' printed anywere... in comments or in a article, even in a article (like this one) that talks about how you DO NOT WANT TO USE MYSQL... you people show up and talk about how much postgre is. It's like a compulsion, a disease, and it has to stop.
Nobody cares anymore.
Why? Because they are the most abused thing imaginable.
First off... The vast majority of websites that use SQL database for storage.. well.. they don't need it. In fact they would be much faster and be better designed if they didn't use SQL at all and used flat files and file-system backed storage rather then shoving everything into some binary blob. They would be simplier, easier to back up, easier to setup, permissions handled easier, less prone to corruption, and quite a bit faster.
That covers about 90% of the users that go on and on about Postgre vs MySQL. They are wrong and stupid for using a SQL database in the first place. It's just stupid.
There are SQL databases that store my URL history... I have video games that store scores in databases... there are music playing applications that store music databases in SQL format. If I try to install a stupid web application for doing some simple-stupid automation on a remote machine it tries to pull in MySQL or Postgresql or some other shitastic thing.
Why? Because web developers don't know how to do jack shit other then using SQLfor storage. They think it scales, they think having websites running from multiuser relational databases make sense. They are under some delusion that SQL databases are fast and secure.. they won't think out of the box and never learned how to do anything else. Then they stop being web designers and try to be application designers and well... when all you know how to use a hammer then every problem is a nail waiting to get hammered into submission. Round hole, Square Peg? Goddammit.. just smash it hard enough with SQLite and it'll fit perfectly!!! The repair manual says to tighten to 15 foot pounds? Well.. dammit Postgre is ACID COMPLIANT! Smash that bolt down with that and your garrenteed success. If you hit it hard enough then the leaks are going to have to stop, it's physics!
Sure, sure for a lot of things SQL makes sense, but usually it doesn't.