back to article Telecom NZ dodges Vodafone wrath

Telecom NZ will launch its XT network, but not until the end of the month as it agrees to fit more filters to prevent interfering with Vodafone NZ's existing service. On Friday Vodafone NZ attempted to get an injunction to prevent Telecom NZ's launch, claiming unacceptable levels of interference, in an action on which Justice …


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  1. Peter Milne

    Telecom PR coup


    Telecom is laughing all the way to the bank PR wise.

    Telecom chief executive Paul Reynolds said the action by Vodafone had been good publicity for the launch of his company's new mobile network.

    "It's been a phenomenal PR week for Telecom. We can't believe our luck."

  2. Bill

    I don't see any dummy spitting going on here....

    I happen to live in New Zealand and there were very valid complaints regarding the interference that Telecom NZ's new upcoming XT network was causing for Vodafone NZ customers. Now, I don't side with either of the companies on this, as I don't like the duopoly they have on the market down here. However, Vodafone NZ did have ever right to seek an injunction, if Telecom NZ's XT network was interfering with their services.

    By the way, Vodafone NZ does offer 3G services via UMTS. And, they've been doing so for years prior to Telecom NZ's recent entry into 3G. And, Telecom NZ has been known to do all sorts of underhanded crap in order to maintain market share and profits.

  3. Nordrick Framelhammer
    Thumb Down

    They are as bad as each other

    Both Telecom and Vodafone as about as useful as tits on a bull. On this issue, as with others they are waving their tiny dicks around and the public are the ones getting pissed on.

    Vodafone do have a legitimate gripe in this case though. Telecom have been testing their XT (eXtranious Turd?) network for a couple of months down in Wellington and very, very, very co-incidently Vodphone uses started reporting disconnection issues and slow performance. Telecom has rushed the network out before proper testing was completed in order to beat Vodafone's competing product.

    Telecom have a history of underhanded tactics against their competitors. This is just another exampole.

  4. Thomas Kear

    Good publicity?

    @Peter Milne:

    You have to love Telecom's optimism. Vodafone caught them not playing by the rules, they admitted it (just not in so many words, but the fact they're spending money to fix the problem really does suggest), yet somehow they think this is a win for them?

    Telecom here is forever going to be plagued by one problem though. Like the myriad of apple/iphone haters out there (myself included), there are scores of people (again, myself included) who - for various reasons usually relating to Telecom's screwing up of our telecommunications industry from the multi-decade stranglehold they held on it - hate Telecom so vehemently that even despite the small current technological advantage (Vodafone last I knew had not deployed HSUPA alongside their HSDPA network), the desire to not pay money to Telecom will win over.

  5. Matthew

    Telecom are hardly ones to talk

    They run their business using underhand tactics.

    The average employee also has an IQ equal to that of a brain-damaged ape.

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