Re Sunshiners.
RE: Dunstan Vavasour - thanks, but I think these may actually be new sales rather than cannibalisation. After all, Sun doesn't really have any prior low-end storage to cannibalise. Hilarious that Sun should finally get round to diversifying into a relatively new area only about fifteen years after the other vendors, and about ten years too late to have any benefit to Sun.
RE: David Halko - shocking, I actually have to agree with Novatose on something! These must be new sales rather than cannibalisation, seeing as Sun is about fifteen years behind the other storage server/appliance vendors. Just imagine what could have been if McNeedy and Ponytail had got over their delusions about Slowaris on SPARC earlier. Ah well, too late now, the only benefit will be that Ellison will be able to spend the meager profits on new uniforms for his yatch crew.
RE: re: Good for SUN!
And that NetApp suit hasn't gone away, despite all your wishful bluster. And now, Oracle are in the driving seat, with NetApp being a major storage partner for them - much more major than the tiny Sun storage bizz. Maybe Larry will make it a condition of Sun's surrender that they also have to settle the NetApp case before the deal goes through. Now that would be funny!
RE: Pure comedy
Well, one good laugh does deserve another, and you Sunshiners have presented years of tragi-comedy worthy of the worst daytime soap. Try to keep laughing whilst your Solaris-based career grinds to a halt. And as for your fixation on hp, how many times have I already told you Sunshiners I don't work for hp. Just because you guys astroturf like crazy, don't paint us all with that brush. You'll find it's not a good thing to do to potential customers. What am I saying - Sunshiners don't have to worry about customers anymore, they've either already jumped the sinking ship or soon will! I'm happy to say my appraisal to the board of three years ago that Sun were too unpredictable an entity to be any part of our longterm IT startegy has not only been proven correct, but also killed any chance of any Sun sales into our business. With that in mind I suppose you can toss all the insults at me you like. Please try and add an element of humour, though. Happy tossing, Snnshiner (why does "tossing" and "Sunshiner" seem to be a natural association?)!
RE: Whatever
The fake Matt Bryant is obviously having a hard time coping with the Sunset. Mind you, that is the most accurate and eloquent post ever from a Sunshiner. Of course, that may be because, like the only good bits out of Sun's product range, it wasn't the original work of a Sunshiner.
/Keep trying, Sunshiners, you only have a few months more left before the final Sunset!