Heavy MetaDataBasIQs
"Clouds bring Heavy MetaDataBase Reign and Spooky Renegade Renaissance Plays with Non State Universal Actors .... Clean Red Team Skins into Beta Powers of Shared IP Control ....... for Absolutely Fabulous Rewards and Outrageous Fortunes to Administer and Dispense."
Congratulations. That was one Mother of a Monster article which does the Register and Oracling Proud. And the "Best advice for a company I've ever seen." ... By Bryce Prewitt Posted Monday 4th May 2009 16:49 GMT .... says IT Proud and Loud too.
And I just revisited the above HyperRadioProActive Astute SubMission because it has a clone here? ..... "Using the analytic techniques contained in this primer will assist analysts in dealing with the perennial problems of intelligence: the complexity of international developments, incomplete and ambiguous information, and the inherent limitations of the human mind. Understanding the intentions and
capabilities of adversaries and other foreign actors is challenging, especially when either or both are concealed. Moreover, transnational threats today pose even greater complexity, in that they involve multiple actors—including nonstate entities—that can adapt and
transform themselves faster than those who seek to monitor and contain them. Finally, globalization has increased the diversity of outcomes when complex, interactive systems such as financial flows,regional economies or the international system as a whole are in flux." ..... https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/Tradecraft%20Primer-apr09.pdf
Although I would hotly dispute and always disagree that there are any inherent limitations of the human mind, much preferring to consider that Failures of Intelligence and Feeble Imagination be held Accountable and Responsible for the Perversely Destructive and Subversive Entrenching of Self-Serving Status Quo Stasis in some/many/most minds.
However, Sprinkle some Kosmic Karma* Moondust around the Virtual Environment and you will be Able and Enabled to be Free as a Big Blue Bird.
"Ask yourself this: What is Oracle really buying for $5.6bn?" ....... It could also be posited that King Larry is donating funds to Sun for distribution to Intelligent Source Providers? SMART Seed Money ....... for Honey Trippers/Busy Bee Drones/Worker Clones/Virtually Real AIMachinery into Growing Money Plants for Sowing Wealth and Prosperity to All. And the Fed. could certainly do with some Real SMART Virtual Help as their Vapourdough Ponzi is revealed as a Pyramid Scam and Virtualised Sham ........ http://www.john-f-kennedy.net/thefederalreserve.htm
A World/InterNetional System in Flux in Deed, indeed......... but Easily Fixed to the Mutual Benefit of All with some Common Sense and CyberIntelAIgents, which you can see and hear, is a NEUKlearer Statement of Fact rather than an Obscure and Ambiguous Question for Fiction.
And Just Perfect for the SMARTer Fed. to Seed and Feed.