Pork Barrel Politics ...... Swines at the Trough with Cuckoos in the Nest.
"A serious accident could befall David Cameron in the next 12 months:" ..... Err, given the contempt Mr Brown has shown the Military and the suffering they are forced to endure and would continue to endure, even when demobilised and abandoned in Civvy Street, for the Vanity of Fools, one imagines a PM without a Public mandate is much more a likely candidate for a serious accident/curious incident/unprecedented move.
"The latest date on which an election may be held – barring military coup, or serious parliamentary tinkering " ...... Considering the amount of serious parliamentary tinkering going on to hide details of years of fiddling, does that increase or guarantee the likelihood of military intervention in the System? An injection of some Intelligence and a Takeover of Communications or some such Disciplined Engineered MasterPiece is not Difficult, is IT?
Why are we waiting for an Immediate General Election to be called? Is IT a Silly Party Political Game one Plays, and some very Badly and QuITe Madly, at Everyone Else's Expense?
MeThinks the Games can be Played Much Better than at Present, don't you ..... and with a Future Beta in AI should you not have an ARG Program of Your Own, Readily Available to Immediately Rock and Roll ..... Run.