HTC and quality?????
@Carl, Amercians still think Europe is Belgium in the north, Germany in the south, Uk in the west (they get that sort-of right) and France in the east ... and that only makes 216M ppl, so less than them ... LOL
@decoherence, I am by no means an apple fanboy, but he is right, business users went for smartphones, mostly, few end users, looking at the figures now, you can say that you are right now, but certainly was NOT the case before the iphone G1 came out!!!!!
The thing about HTC is, the day they start building quality, I do not care so much for the looks, I mean quality as robustness, a "high" speed cpu, then maybe, maybe I will consider looking at another. I had one for a full three days and sent it back, no way I was going to use that!!!! Utter el cheapo crap with a lame excuse for an OS.
And Windows Mobile??? what a waste of time! It's speed is NOT acceptable by any terms, whoever says the contrary, should check the competition, be it Symbian, Blackberry OS .... you'll see, by no way acceptable!!!!
I have not used <name2change>Android</name2change>, yet. Maybe I will hop over to a shop and try and convince the b@$t@rds that I want to try a phone - they do not allow you in third world countries like France .... :-(
I was waiting for the Pre, and got an iPhone in the end ... and no, I do not care about looks, the case is robust, flat, I have a good protective pouch, it is fast and usable. Email is great (I see nothing wrong with it and I used blackberry for some time) ... am still waiting for Pre to see if I was right ...