Damned combovers taking our jobs!
Facebook has closed an "Isle of Man KKK" page exhorting locals to stem the tide of unwelcome incomers polluting the racial purity of the Irish Sea island paradise. According to the Telegraph, the page's Grand Wizard declared: "There are too many comovers* [sic] on the Island. They are taking all of the jobs, houses and most of …
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If they didn't have "comeovers" on the island they wouldn't have an economy. The whole thing is based on it being a tax haven. I suppose they could go back to sheep farming and weaving and living in damn cottages with no leccy (can't afford the bills) but it might not be too popular in the long run.
"There are too many comovers on the Island"
Please tell me that I'm not the only one who initially read that as "there are too many combovers on the island"... I was mid-agreement until I realised what he actually meant!
PS: "Grand Wizard". Snigger... there are just too many ways to take the piss out of such a title...
Are you sure this wasn't "combover's" ? Sounds a bit more likely to me. I'm all for going bald gracefully, none of this fakery. I say the syrup-wearers should be outed and there's not a court in the land that would hang me for it. That said, judges appear to be into wigs as well - so I might be on sticky ground...
aint totally inbread... we have sheep genes in our pool too u know !!!!
oh and i bet they are happy to pop down the local indian on the prom after a good (????) night out.
still, with spelling like that, no wonder they are having a pop at the low paid workers - after all where else would the Grand Wizard work - Maccy d's ? Strand Cleaners?
wonder if that should be Wizzzard !!! hehehe
of not understanding sarcasm unless its spoken in an exaggeratedly sarcastic tone. On the internet it seems that 1% will get the joke & the other 99% weigh in with "Its an outrage....BLAH BLAH!!!???OMFG "
As I understand it the cross was actually made from combed-out hair. An effigy of Robert Robinson was also burned while they chanted "3 legs good! 2 legs bad!"
The Fast Show had it about right.
All those in favour - ? *makes note* Carried overwhelmingly, jolly good.
And I have a solution to the problem of disgruntled Twatomatic posters moaning about the scary people with the darker skin tone . Simply round up all the saloon-bar rascists, muntering cab-drivers, nazis, nationalists all such similar scumbags and exile them all.. on the Isle of Man. They can then set up whatever xenophobic 1950s-style paradise of racial purity and low petrol taxes, force the wearing of little brown stars on people with southern-asian "heritage", strut around in nice leather boots and so on to their heart's content; and we in the civilised world can relax, secure in the knowledge that a single moderate nuclear device could take care of the whole lot of 'em in the blink of an eye if they ever threaten to escape into the real world.
Don't you still need a work permit to work on the isle of man?
(Yes, even UK citizens..unless you're a priest or in the military)
.....all I can say is , I hope they put the crosses the right way up.
Mine's the one with the rental copy of " the wicker man " in the pocket
I'm reminded of "Mama's Little Man" by Tilt:
"Don't occur to me that I ain't got no teeth / And my little golden boy as inbred as can be / In a Nazi state, we would be on the slate / Among the first to execute and then incinerate"
What makes me laugh is that most of these hatemongers don't even realize that if Hitler had his way, they would be dead as well. It's kind of like Jerry Springer (at least from what I recall, back in the late 90s), where the guests were too stupid to realize Jerry and the audience members were making fun of them.
Well you can conduct imaginary polls in your head, but only real elections matter. Those elections must be free and fair (no "no platform" policies) so ALL sides get an opportunity to make their case, free from the deception of their opponents.
I'm surprised you think segregation is a practical solution given that Marxist theory is predicated on everyone being the same. If any right wing person advocated confining their opponents to a certain location, then proposed their eradication as the ultimate solution, they would be imprisoned for hate crimes. Having said this, I agree that dividing people into separate geographic locations (i.e. countries) based upon their primary identity (political, religious, ethnic, cultural or otherwise) would be an effective solution to many of the world's conflicts. This theory is encompassed by Nationalism rather than multi-culturalism. If you agree with this then I suggest you vote for a real Nationalist political party in upcoming elections.
Can't remember the head though, he must be new. In Ballakerneen back in '93 out of 1200 students in the year there were only two black people, (they were brother and sister) There were a few chinese kids too.
Leave them to it. it's only 70,000 sheep shagging alcloholics clinging to a rock.