back to article IBM lubricates Obama's IT stimulus

For US companies, state and local governments, and educational institutions, figuring out how to get a piece of the Obama $787bn stimulus package is a drag - and a drag on business. And so, IBM has announced that it is fronting $2bn of its own financing in an effort to speed up IT-related projects that come under the American …


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  1. Pablo
    Thumb Up

    I gotta hend it to them

    That's pretty clever. There's free money to bad had, but it's locked up behind a sea of red tape. So I gather IBM is basically giving eligible customers an advance (in product) on the stimulus money, thus making sure that as much of the money as possible ultimately ends up where it belongs, in IBM's bank account.

  2. Eduard Coli
    Thumb Down

    Makes sense?

    Layoffs upon layoffs, then pump up the dividends by buying back stock, now greasing political wheels?

    When will IBM's bloodshed, err charity stop.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Let's see who can steal the most

    $787 Billion in pork money... Let's see who can steal the most from tax payers.

  4. Paul Wilzbach
    Thumb Up

    @Makes sense?

    Damn that IBM for trying to cut costs, grow revenue streams, and increase shareholder value.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @@Makes sense?

    Not really a long-term strategy for growth....

    Think where all these laid-off people are going....

    A lot of them will be going to become customers - either potential or current. Now you've increased the hostility in your customer-base.

    Never underestimate the power of a technical mind with a grudge!

    Sales droids you can get rid of easily - they have no morals and would sell their organs if they could make enough money but techies are a different matter.

  6. Mike VandeVelde

    mmm.... triple dipping

    Type your comment here - plain speaking only, no buzzwords

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    @Paul Wilzbach

    Yes, anybody would think that they were a publicly-traded corporation operating in a market economy!

    Oh, wait...

  8. Anonymous Coward


    Sod aid?

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