back to article Apple ponders quantitative easing for hard-up customers

Apple looks set to bite the bullet and drop its price bands, even going so far as making its products "affordable". Apple Insider reports that the vendor is putting the final touches to a brace of lower price products - to wit, an iMac and a Macbook. The site takes its cue from the 20 inch Aluminium iMac which the vendor is …


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  1. Richard
    IT Angle

    Apple won't do netbooks

    At least, not as netbooks are seen in the Windows space. While this is a growth area for the industry, it is not a profitable area. The margins are very small, the hardware (at least the three I played with) seems cheap and lacking in durability, and the screens and keyboards are small enough that usability is an issue. That seems to be outside Apple's game plan. Netbooks' biggest charm is that they are cheap, but only in their upfront cost.

    Apple's ultraportable is the Macbook Air, which is a nice piece of kit.

    IT? because I don't get IT when it comes to netbooks ...

  2. Gordon

    Um...Macbook Air is wintel

    Isnt someone missing the point here?

    Apple have very privledged relationship with intel - to the point at which they are early launching Intel products or getting their own versions made for them.

    How does the new platform pose a threat to the MBA? Nothing is stopping a current manufacturer making a copy now.

    Presumably Apple if they so wish will be able leverage the new platform before most of their competitors.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    DAMN IT!

    i just lost the game!

    you all know the game, right?

    you know what you must do.


  4. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Still won't want it

    Had 2 mac's for a few years and to say I am underwhelmed is generous. The initial costs are not justified, upgrades are limited and very expensive and repair costs are ludicrous. The OS is fine as long as you never want to play another game with graphics above a Wii and want to pay full price 5 years after release.

    Although the wet-knickers fanboi's love to tell you how wonderful it is you still have to defrag (tools not included), repair and verify the drive, install an anti-virus and suffer Apple's fix-one-break-one updates.

    I wanted to be impressed but Apple still have a long way to go.

    Save your money.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    Well, I must admit ...

    ... that Macs are nice bits of kit and very attractive.

    Now were a price drop to happen I am sure they will look more attractive and nicer.

    Personally I'd like to see a MacTablet (or is that a Mactablet?)

  6. Dan
    Thumb Down


    As much as I like my brand spanking new MacBook, I would have appreciated it being a little cheaper. Gits.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    too little too late

    I have a macbook that i got cheap, and sure its nice but now i am thinking of upgrading, the product range offered by Apple is simply uncompetitive and very poor in flexibility.

    I want a small powerful laptop, the mac book pro's dont come in small anymore and then to get a decent one is close to two thousand pounds.

    Compate to the dell XPS (with all the whistles and bells) running linux, and you save near a thousand pounds. To top that, lets not forget that for that money you only 90 days of support, and apple still have not addresses the SMB issue in Leopard that stops it working in a commercial windows environment (i.e. most offices).

  8. Anonymous Coward

    defrag a Mac hard drive?

    Mac OS X continually defrags your drive dude. So you had trouble using a Mac, because you didn't know how to use it.

    Makes sense.

    I question whether you actually ever owned a Mac or are just a troll.

  9. John Molloy

    Spot the Troll

    @AC 16:05

    "I question whether you actually ever owned a Mac or are just a troll."

    Good call. Seemed a little suspect that JUST those rare people who buy Macs but hate 'em decided to hit the Reg article comments section at the same time.

  10. Ivan Headache

    Defragging & 90 days

    Just to point out that I haven't defragged a single mac since 10.2 became mainstream (and I look aftyer quite a lot of them).

    And 90 days support? With the Apple store you have free support as long as you need.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Gates Halo


    Shouldn't the title of this article be "Apple considers reducing The Mac Tax"?

  12. Sam Radford
    Jobs Halo

    Small and light

    For my travelling I need a 12" laptop. It doesn't have to be thin but it needs to be lighter than the iBook. With a hand luggage weight limit of 5kg, 2.26kg (5lb) is too heavy. I need a 320GB Hard Drive and all the usual ports (Ethernet, USB2, Firewire) and wireless. Such a beast doesn't exist in Apple's line-up at any price, so I won't be "upgrading" any time soon. I love OSX but there's a distinct lack of choice in hardware.

  13. TeeCee Gold badge


    The classic Netbook is small, low powered (in both 'leccy and computing grunt) and designed to be used as an appliance for cloudy apps.

    Both Linux and Windows (apart from V****, obviously) are eminently suited as the OS, by dint of the ability to turn off the eye-candy and cruft, providing the bare minimum of features to run a browser and service the cloud apps served within it, making the most of the sub-par hardware underneath.

    What's left if you turn off the eye-candy and cruft in MacOS..............?

    The Oilskin and Sou'wester please. I'm expecting to be pelted with rotting, but partially nibbled, fruit on the way out.

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