Google in Google
I must dissent about considering those searching for 'google' in Google as un-intelligent types. In fact, they're cold-blooded and intelligent miscreants, trying to break the Internet:
Anyone who isn't paying for mobile broadband can have a free shot tomorrow, as Vodafone is giving away access to publicise the launch of the network's new 50 pence tariff. Until tomorrow, punters wanting to dip into the internet on a Vodafone connection would be skinned a quid for the privilege. Now they'll be able to do the …
Offer here
T&Cs here
it's important that people realise that this is through the wap APNs only either pp.Vodafone.co.uk PAYG wap.Vodafone.co.uk contract.
"but eighth most popular search on Google is "google", which surely denotes a basic lack of intelligence."
Obviously El Reg missed the epi of IT Crowd where Jen is told "If you type google into google the internet will break!"
Paris she's perfect as Jen in the US version of IT Crowd
There was me thinking it covered the dongles. I got myself a Vodafone 3G modem for my laptop a couple of months ago and I've only used it once. HOWEVER I'm glad I went with Vodafone because although it means I pay £15 a gig, it also means that it doesn't expire so when I go on holiday later this month I'll still have just under a gig of allowance left.