I'll move to Mexico tomorrow and risk it....
if it means I don't have to be dragged to see Angels and Demons.
Paramount has postponed the scheduled 8 May Mexican launch of JJ Abrams' Star Trek, although the rest of the cinematic "major territories" will get to enjoy the film on that date, whether potential customers are still alive or not. The move follows Twentieth Century Fox's decision to knock back the Mexican release of X-Men …
.... with AI Betas.
Decisions, decisions, decisions. And thanks for that exciting news, El Reg ...... which just about says it all, I think.
*A Joint IntelAIgents AIdDVenture, Courtesy of Deadhead Productions and Universal Virtual Forces Introducing Immaculately Resourced Assets.
If you REALLY want to see Angels & Demons ahead of the release date, simply get The DaVinci Code on DVD from your local Blockbusters.
Both stories start almost exactly the same way and, once you fall asleep, you won't need (or want) to see the rest!
Paris, 'cos her Angel's been Demon'd a fair few times (allegedly).
Now is the best time to catch Swine flu if you are outside of Mexico. You are very unlikely to die. You will get Tamiflu before it runs out. If necessary you will get hospital treatment before they are swamped. And you will get a degree of immunity in case it subsequently mutates into something more virulent. Mexico anyone?
Delaying the release means that you won't have large groups of people congregating in cinemas for a couple of hours at a time, spreading the infection. Though you'd think that it would make sense to wait for the authorities in Mexico to close the Cinemas before taking the pre-emptive step of cancelling the release.
I'd hazard a guess and say that the films are being delayed so that you don't get a room full of people cluttered in with each other unnecessarily. There are some who would probably brave the worst epidemic to see the movie and if one of them happens to sneeze.........
Whether it really makes another difference is something else.
Can we have a biohazard icon?
Oh, you people.
The film company's NOT delaying the release because it doesn't want people to cram into a theatre and get sick.
It's delaying the release because it believes people will stay home in an effort to protect their health, and ticket sales will be down.
It's about maximizing revenue. Sheesh!
They will all just have to wait until Will Smith comes up with a vacine or............
oh yes thats right it was just the crapola Hollywood remake where he discovers the vacine, in the original book everybody dies and a new world order is established. Strange there was nothing in the film about a credit crunch. I blame Emma Thompson. She should be rounded up a shipped to mexico to see the suffering her cure for cancer has caused..........
Can we have a Will Smith Icon?