IT becomes a revenue reclaimer?
This article made me realise that charging for internal network for personal use may actually have a value. By using company provided resources for entertainment ( which is not a bad thing of itself; break rooms exist for a reason), not only is there a legitimate threat to the machine they are doing it from, but the network becomes more of a target which goes directly against ( most ) tech organisms chem. While breaks and office coffee are necessities for smooth business running, your mates' biohazard(')s(') physical characteristics are not, so up to the minute monitoring should be discouraged before they are an assumed right.
(blatantly over-)Charging for the privilege would put a price on priceless ( i.e. worthless) friend swarms, force folk to re-evaluate time spent on business hours relationships, and bring beer money into the IT dept, or at least into the pocket of someone who can muddle the accounting process.
Damn it, i'm going to go propose this tomorrow :D