close mexico border
Seems good reason to shut the Mexico to US border, other wise we will have a real mess in the US. Because, others will do the same to the US if it starts to spread.
Britain's medical system has started gearing up for a flu pandemic and the US has declared a "public health emergency", after it became clear that an outbreak of swine flu in Mexico had worked its way into the human population. The outbreak in Mexico has been blamed for over 100 deaths. While the disease has now surfaced in …
Yet another thing after SARS, Bird Flu, H5N1, foot and mouth, anthrax, mythical terrorists, global warming, peak oil, water wars, dirty bombs, and god knows what else that the government and media team up for to scare the crap out of the public.
In the story, the boy who cried wolf got eaten 'cos no-one believed him - in this version we keep swallowing the hysterical shit.
Of course, given my usual level of success in commenting on these things, this one is going to actually go somewhere.
Cancelling your forthcoming holiday in Mexico? In a month's time it will be the last place in the World your will catch it - everyone there will have had it.
To get infected with the strain involved in the avian flu scare you had to get down and dirty with a live infected bird. With SARS you had to get down and dirty with a civet.
To get a fully human adapted flu virus you have to not be barricaded in a room at the South Pole.
One person coughs in the plane/subway/room - everyone gets it and you're maximally infectious as or just before symptoms start.
Border containment measures are just political postures.
"Facemasks" + "Facemasks = cheap, simple, and very effective solution"
Partly true - however, only whilst they remain dry. If they get wet, then they are of no protection. If you watch, hospitals use them, but they get replaced very frequently. I suppose that you could wet them down in advance with some anti-bacterial solution, but that may not work all the time either.
The issuing of facemasks to the general population is mostly about making people feel that they are protected so they will carry on working - otherwise the economy goes down the pan when they all stay at home. (No comments about being where we are at the present)
In most western countries, people make very few preparartions for any sustained period of threat - I understand that on average, people have less than 5 days food in the house.
The article in the link is based upon an item that first appeared in the Daily Mail; they treated it in a sensationalist way, but it is actually quite a genuine issue.
Of all the potential doom scenarios for humanity, by far the most likely. which could occur at any time at all is a lethal viral pandemic.
20 million people died in the 1918-1919 European flu pandemic, and that was without the assistance of tube trains, endemic air travel and open plan offices.
How many people do you know who come in to work drizzling snot and sneezing over their monitors. Of course they sat in a crowded commuter train doing the same for an hour to get there.
I suggest you might want to think on the subject a little further before spouting ignorant missives.