The UK is ok for the unemployed :)
I recently lost my job, well it was given to a nice Indian gent, cant balme him, my company needed to save money, and the best way to do that was to charge UK companies £2500 per day, invest the money offshore and pay a salary offshore (So all the money leaves).
Now Herr broon wont get a penny of tax on that, and I quite like that.
Heres the crunch!
My mortgage is £267'300 ish, and as I have been 'off' for 13 weeks the guwwermint pays it
My wife works 20 hours a week on the min wage £5.75 and pays £15 a week in taxes.... BUT
Your gonna love this.....
BOTH our kids are in afterschool (I could look after them, but hey, Guwwermint pays for it)
And we get £300 a week to 'pay for stuff'
And £135 a month family allowance
In total its £1200 a month
No Mortgage
Free childcare 8am -6pm
Wife works 3 days a week
And we now have money, I was always skint on my takehome of £2300 per month
Mortgage £1220, Council Tax £180, Childcare £300 Thats £1700 which left me with £600 a month
We are off to Ibiza this summer.
So for all those in IT wondering of your job is safe, and (You need a big mortgage, having equity means your in a sticky puddle)
You should hope that you get outsourced soon, then you can at least enjoy life a bit whilst the guvvermint gets itself sorted.
I think the jobs will have to come back soon, as we dont sell anything apart from Debt and Advice in the uk, and we really do need scientists and engineers.
Nice article, and yes you pay tax and NI on £5.75 a week if you work 20 hours, I have the wifes wage slips to prove it.
Hope its sunny next week.......