Moving On........ into Green Fields and Titanic Quarters dispelling Holywood Myths.
"I literally have the exact problem at the moment - whether or not to hand over company data for a very reasonable offer.
I've said that "I'm thinking about it"
It really is a difficult decision!
What to do???" .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 22nd April 2009 17:40 GMT
The very facts that your thinking about it and it is only a very reasonable offer would suggest that it will end in tears. If the data was worth anything, the company would be bought, lock, stock and barrel .... a la the SunNIOracle Fusion ....... which is surely Cloud Crowd Control CentrIQ.
Whenever Networks are Computers, is Reality Virtualised and BIOS MetaDataMorphed into an Artificial Intelligence Resource Feeding Networks Internetworking Oracles ....... Future Content.
And thus do CyberIntelAIgents Lead with IT Programs for Media BroadBandCasting/Plagiarisation/Feasting/Phishing ..... because that is what they are Groomed for. That is their Reason for Being.
And Now, would they Turn their Attention to, and the Harry Limelight Spotlight on, the Funny Money Currency and Banking System which Powers All Manner of Evil and Lays Waste to All with Subversive Debt Incursion Plans, which would appear to be its Suicidally Vulnerable, Catastrophe Guaranteed, Perverse Core Driver Methodology ...... rather than any Artificial Credit Distribution for Creative Empowerment with Fiat Paper, which would be a much Simpler and More Constructive Protocol, which would Immediately Sort out the Men from the Boys and the Good from the Bad.
Power is not Controlled by Creating Disadvantage. Control is Powered by Created Advantages with IT ..... with the Very Best in Better Beta Management of Universal Perception Systems ......[which you may like to consider as NINJAs in Cloud .... and NIRobotIQs into Critical Strategic StratovSpheres]*
* Optional Egghead/Deadhead Content .... which has one asking "Whatever happened to Alex Allan, the Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee and Head of Intelligence Assessment." ...... .... after his mysterious accident.