Whoever it is at Amazon that is responsible for this action, FFS, get a life!
Amazon.com is an immensely popular online storefront that sells everything from books and groceries to virtual timeshares of its extensive data center infrastructure. Amazee is a Switzerland-based, social "collaboration website" made for social activists and protestors to organize, promote, and fund their public uprisings and …
Since US trademarks are, according to the USPTO, valid for specific areas/industry/uses, both companies SHOULD be able to use the same name if they want, as long as their services do not clash. Given that, two non-identical names should have absolutely no problem. But then, Amazon.com has tons of cash, and the USPTO has long been known to be corrupt.
"Amazon attorneys say the average person won't appreciate the differences between Amazon and Amazee, thus leading to consumer confusion between the two brands."
Maybe your average American consumer will be confused. After all, many of these people voted George W Bush in, TWICE!
The rest of the world will manage just fine.
Is a moron, but in a slightly larger amount of words.
Let's see, the first word that jumps out on Amazon is "Shop", whereas on Amazee it's "Change". Amazee has no left-hand menu at all, nor does it mention the word "book" anywhere. The home pages are not in the same colors at all. The only thing you can quickly do on Amazee is "Join". Amazee has no "Cart" button or logo.
I agree, only a moron would confuse the two sites. Now lumping me in that category is tantamount to libel, maybe even slander.
I am insulted. My lawyer will contact yours, Amazon. Lawsuits at dawn.
The notion that anyone stumbling across the Amazee website by mistake might think they've arrived at a new-look Amazon site is preposterous. Besides, if you name your business after one of the most threatened rainforest areas on Earth, some confusion is to be expected. If anyone is at fault here it's Amazon themselves - they're making a mountain out of a molehill but if there is an issue, it's of their own making.
Amazon, ffs grow up and get a life! Like anyone will get confused. Should Microsoft sue EVERYONE with websites starting MICRO?! Honestly Amazon, I thought you were better, stop acting like other big boy muppets, and find your brain again. All this does is show a petty pathetic side to Amazon, reallllllly good advertising that!!
So, now Amazon.com has laid claim to the trademark 'Amaz??', or are they asserting claim to 'Amaz*'?
How does this apply to E*Trade, Who now own claim to everything starting with E and ending in 'trade'? What about /., who have a very valid claim to any directory structure directly containing them, including the TLD?
surely if amazee or whatever have registered the domain name then surely there is bugger all amazon can do.
And thats how it should be!!!!!!
Dont see comparethemarket.com getting its knickers pissy about comparethemeercat.com
Intended humour or not...
Paris, I'd register her domain.