what i want to know...
The videos are all well and good. i know what it is now, but i want to know is...
...how you get into that position in the first place
Jamaican doctors have warned of the dangers of daggering, after being presented with a forest of fractured penises over the last year. According to reports, daggering appears to be either a bizarre sexual practice or a music and dance craze. Or possibly both at the same time, if these videos are any thing to go by. Either way …
Fantastic, my brain was telling me you can't make fun of peoples accents like that!
Then I followed the link and found it was a quote, so it must be okay. At least in jamaica they haven't started brainwashing people into political correctness like they clearly have here (case in point, myself reading this article and my brain telling me it was bad, albeit funny)
(Obligatory IT? icon)
I think there's a name for the style of having sex in which you pull the penis right out before each thrust. Can anyone remember what it is? Apparently it's not "daggering". (It's fun, but if you do it too fast or too roughly then you could injure yourself when you miss the target.)
If you're going to simulate rough sex on the dance floor I'd definitely recommend not having an erection at the time. Have real sex a few times just beforehand, perhaps? Or is there a kind of antiviagra one could take?
This is the funniest thing I've read in years! Other people in the office have noticed my failed attempts to hide my amusement and are about to ask what the funny thing is.
Should I own up and tell them I'm laughing at the idea of Jamacan Guys "Daggering" people with their cocks? I haven't even watched the videos, I daren't.
About the very Jamaican Quote. I trust that the quote marks are true and honest since otherwise you are going to made to be very sorry by someone.... Also could we have version with really clear english sub-titles like on an old documentary, as my brain lost it about half way through. I'm not sure you can reliably parse Jamaican without using a 'special' cigarette.
Something like: "The organiser suggested that we rapidly find a partner and participate very enthusiastically in the dance.....".
@Steve - haven't looked yet - daren't! At a guess though - we don't really know who writes these things.
I had no problem in reading the statement from the affected complainee.
It's in English, not much different from if an Essex or Manchester person was being reported properly as there would still be complaints abaht not reedin it right.
The man says he was encouraged by the DJ to thrust his genitals at female members of the audience. The chosen femal objected at his rather forward suggestion and instead of the expected willingness to comply with his wishes, bit his lip instead. She did not, however, release her grip on his lip, despite his pleading. hwen he called to nearby onlookers for assistance they were reluctant to come to his aid.
Me, I prefer the original version - it's shorter.
That's not an 'accent' (journalistic convention is to render all accents into the conventional written form of whatever language is being spoken), it's Jamaican patois, which is generally recognized as a language in itself, or at least a very distinct dialect of English, and usually rendered in its own written form in the local press - as seen here (the Reg is just quoting the Jamaica Star).
wrote this?????
Jah know!!! Everytime unnu write some foolishness like this mi vex!!!!!!
Penile appendages are muscles and blood vessels - they cannot be fractured!!
As for 'daggering' - I don't know what to say...we come up with the weirdest 'dances'. Please DO NOT TRY THIS @ HOME!!! :} Stick to the 'gully creepa'
Well, it basically looks like "grinding" to me. So, the chicks first were standing alone thrusting their hips, sticking their butts out (no, not bare...) and such. The guys walk up a few minutes into the vid REALLY grinding and thrusting away. It looks like they could be shagging right on the dance floor except the guys did not unzip their flys. I could easily see someone breaking their wang like that... what a shame, although I must admit I'd probably laugh if it didn't happen to me.
"Penile appendages are muscles and blood vessels - they cannot be fractured!!"
Although no bone is involved, "penile fracture" is the term generally used by urologists to describe traumatic rupture of the tunica albuginea/corpus cavernousm. And (if you exclude the smooth muscle fibres in the blood vessel walls) there isn't any muscle in a penis either - after all, without bone, to what would they be attached?
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