Just went to the...
...X10 website. AAAIIIEEEE, MY EYES! So many animated GIFs! Let's hope these guys never discover Flash or the blink tag.
Two open-source heavyweights and their team have announced a proof-of-concept milestone to control all your home gadgets from an iPhone and iPod touch. The project, OpenRemote, is being shepherded by Marc Fleury whose middleware start-up JBoss ran circles around the closed-source app server big boys before becoming the subject …
People were controlling their home appliances from their mobile phones at least 10 years ago. Why is it suddenly so amazing to be able to do this from an iphone?
7 years ago I could control lights, CCTV, fans, etc via my phone's primitive web browser. There was even a floor plan of my house with appliances flagged up as on/off. It's still running. The URL is http://... yeah like I'd hand over sanity for public amusement. ;-)
Technologies that use home wiring for control or communications are subject to power line noise and even signals picked up from nearby radio transmitters. Imagine pressing the button to stop filling the baht and finding on arrival it was ignored; gives new meaning to the term "car pool."
Or 80 dB of "Also Sprach Zarathustra" at 0230. Ow!