The utterly morally corrupt ruling elite have gone far enough. No more...
The insidious connections between Phorm and the political power brokers justs keeps getting worse. They are creating a police state for their own financial gain and in the process mercilessly exploiting us all.
Phorm already has a once high up ex-MP as director (who also has political friends). This latest news shows just how badly Phorm wants to work with politicians for its own gain. Which means what does the politicians get in return. Its no wonder then that the government doesn't want to stop Phorm.
The depth of corruption of this government is getting beyond shocking. Their plans to build a police state cannot be allowed. Its actually getting frighting just how badly they aim to destroy old UK values for their own financial gain. The UK isn't suppose to be a police state with such continuous, deep and widespread monitoring of everyone, yet we are leading the world in building a 21st century police state.
Everyone (not just technical people on TheReg etc..) needs to be woken up to the growing danger of this system, let alone how bad that danger is so closely tied in with what politicians want. Everything we say online can be profiled, (includes everything political we find of interest to read). Thats enough to profile what political interests and views everyone has. The central reason why centuries ago votes were made in secret, was to prevent the ones in power, from seeking to influence the voters. Yet the relentless power seekers are forever seeking to game the system to gain ever more information on peoples opinions.
All politicians are relentless power seekers regardless of party. That is why they go into politics as they ultimately want to be in power over others. The Internet gives a huge amount of power to monitor people's lives and the relentless power seekers cannot resist mercilessly exploiting it for their own gain. This has gone too far already. Everyone needs to be told about this growing danger. Not just technical people here, everyone in the country needs to see what Phorm means. The only way to make changes is for enough people to stand together. If millions of people stand together on this one point, then the government has to give in and back down. Otherwise this abuse of power is going to get ever worse.
(If you still can't see there is any problem or danger, then read this, and the comments that follow it)...
We need to stop discussing what needs to be done and simply march in force on Parliament. (Pick a Saturday and organize a month in advance, tell everyone, so many can turn up).
I've had enough of this corruption. The relentless NuLabour power seekers and their morally corrupt rich friends in business have gone far enough. They need to be reined in. The news about Phorm keeps getting ever more shocking. This has gone far enough. Phorm and NuLabour's plans need to be stopped.