back to article Germany not a hard-line censor after all

Rumours of state censorship in Germany may turn out to have been just a little exaggerated. However, plans for putting their child abuse blocklist on a legal footing may yet have far-reaching consequences for internet users in that country. Earlier this week, we were hearing reports that – the German offshoot of …


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  1. matthias cashncarrion subik

    more CIA then FBI

    from the website: foreign intelligence ....

  2. Ben

    The Law

    Nothing, as far as I'm aware of, that the Nazi's did was against the law.

    That isn't German bashing, it's more appropriate for the UK at the moment in fact.

    The point is that when Criminals are making the Laws the Laws become Criminal.

    Law != Justice

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Rumours of state censorship in Germany may turn out to have been just a little exaggerated."

    This from the place that apparently required the Carmageddon developers to change the pedestrians to little floating garbage cans...

  4. Graham Marsden
    Thumb Down

    Won't someone think of die Kinder...!

    "The rights of children carry more weight than unhindered mass communication."

    Excuse me? Is she saying that the rights of children are more important than the right of everyone else to enjoy freedom of expression? Or that these two rights are somehow mutually exclusive? Or just that she's another clueless politician?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    um.. not really

    Not so sure about your claim of bureaucratic bungling. Reppe noticed that the address information in the registry for was invalid and (for whatever reason) attempted to have the domain invalidated and also to take control of it. The rules of managing domains make this completely above board. BND didn't take kindly to having their domain gazumped and heavied the registrar, who decided to payback Reppe by kicking his domains off their registry. So yeah, Germany is a hard-line censor and they play dirty as fuck.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    What utter bs!!!

    "The rights of children carry more weight than unhindered mass communication."

    And so, banning child porn will magically stop the sexual abuse of children..? NOT!!!

    When are these dumbtards going to wake up to the fact that child porn is a friggen SYMPTOM and NOT the DISEASE? And that is has absolutely blue-all to do with freedom of speech aka "unhindered mass communication".

    Again we have politicians that spout off, and undoubtedly feel good about themselves and their self-righteousness. But seldom will they step up and actually face the real problem and tackle that - for me, for you, for our kids. What effen ball-less idiots...

  7. asdf

    Teutonic ftw

    Lol I worked in Germany for over two years and never heard the term teutonic until I started reading the reg. Such an old school name from crusades and the middle ages. This article is too serious though we need more articles about Teutonic gentlemen stapling themselves to the roof on accident. Nothing makes me laugh like thinking of a very formal very serious people having that all too human moment of being a dumbass. All humans are dumbasses for at least five minutes a day after all.

  8. Thorsten Glaser
    Thumb Down


    The BND is more comparable to the US-american NSA though.

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