From all the technobabble and big words that no-one could possibly understand, I thought I was watching Star Trek: TNG again!
A week after it was shown to a group of industry engineers during a company event in Mountain View, Google has publicly released a video detailing its once top-secret data center design. As has been rumored for years - and as The Reg confirmed this fall - Google pieces together its data centers using intermodal shipping …
Disperse data pods to apartment buildings.
Turn off data center when residents do not need heat or hot water.
Humans seem to be the only thing in the universe that loves 110 degree water, to everything else, its a waste product..
Google has enough traffic that it has the ability to shape power consumption to match global loads. Just as it is always 5 o clock somewhere, it's always cold somewhere might as well run the servers where you need the heat.
Even though information has no weight, the cost of moving it around is real.
now if you could just move to the southern hemisphere in the summer.
actually, 250 KW is a LOT of heat. and if you used water-cooled plates directly on the procdessors, you could produce temperatures high enough to activate absorption-cycle air chillers. in Nevada, 250KW (typical data pod consumption according to Google) would be $25,000 per hour!!!
google will probably have a patent on this by now.