Some Confusion?
"Facebook is trying to keelhaul links ....."
If you keelhaul somebody, you deliberately bring them back onboard ship and return them to duty after a very unpleasant punishment experience. Keelhauling was used as a 'corrective' punishment. Facebook are trying to get rid of the links and so the appropriate analogy would be 'walking the plank', which was a form of capital punishment.
I realise that using 'walking the plank' in your opening line would seem clumsy and not read as well as 'keelhauling', but I do feel that the accurate maintenance of our rich pirate heritage is important. It may be that I've misunderstood Facebook's actions and what they are actually trying to do to the links is 'clap them in irons' or maybe even 'tie them to the mainmast'. Whatever they're doing they're making a mess of it and deserve a 'lick o' the cat'.