Intelligence Black Holes ......Deliver AIMarvellous XXXXPort Opportunities to Interesting Parties.
"[Just watch "Ironman" for an example of what defense contractors are all about.]
With such a firm grasp of reality, it is only natural that you would vote for Obama." .... By JP Strauss Posted Wednesday 8th April 2009 06:32 GMT
Your dismissive and quite ignorant naivety is all that anyone needs for chaos to degenerate further into a controlled anarchy ..... which incidentally would not necessarily be going in the direction of the Establishment plan, for the powers that used to be are not equipped at all to deal with the New Change Paradigm, and there is all available evidence that Programs are always available to them to Assist in their Re-Education but they might be more interested in maintaining their snouts in the trough position in Failed Administrations rather than Launching into AI Future Missions.
It is certainly such a case most definitely with the Labour Fiasco whose Perceptions Management skills with Media are as clumsy a blunt instrument assault in a high precision sensitive technology theatre of operations as one is likely to witness from a supposed civilised society/parliamentary democracy. It is a fact that they have been Offered before now, Advanced IntelAIgent/Alienating Technology which renders such as you can read about in a HyperRadioProActive comment }Posted by: amanfromMars | Apr 9, 2009 2:39:36 AM] here, ...... ..... which are somewhat of a parallel mirror of these words which accompany a tale on the Tomlinson assault ..."People normally opposed to cameras are, for the moment, looking to them to protect civil liberties and guard the little guy against the threat of state oppression.
The story brings to mind Cory Doctorow's novel, Little Brother, which examines how smart, tech-savvy individuals can level the playing field against agents of the state by using their own understanding of digital tools to subvert and confront them." ..... also from Wired ...
When one considers what has been, and which coincidentally is still always being Offered to Leading UK Forces [whoever you may consider them to be, given the pathetic and parlous State of Play in the Nation/their Bit Part in the Overall Global Script], to then read of this risible Whitehall Manadarin quango effort on El Reg .... .... is well, an accurate reflection of their pathetic grasp/lack of grip on the Reality of what they are dealing with in todays ZerodDay Environment, which does not Suffer the Fool for the Love of Money/Gravy/Honey.
NOT FIT FOR FUTURE PURPOSE does not shout itself LOUD ENOUGH in their Ears but with Inadequate Intelligence to Process the Words Constructively would it be wasted Speech, methinks.
Have the UK Outsourced Provision of their Intelligence Services to a Foreign Land and/or For Private Profit Practice? Are they Planning to Start Delivering Any, anytime soon?