Absolutely brilliant, just what I need to finish my week!!
It's been quite a week in good old London Town, what with international big cheeses rolling in to solve the world's economic woes at a stroke and restore our beloved planet to its happy pre-crisis condition of nothing more worrying than some bothersome developing world hunger and the occasional light war to entertain the masses …
I trust now is all in order down Soho way, and that The Moderatrix is reinstalled. It would be a terrible shame for her to leave. For most folk on this side of the firewall, having their comments moderated by Sarah is the closest thing to a meaningful female relationship they've had since going onto solids. But can Mr Haines be trusted not to publish any more injudicous PMT-related remarks? I think we should be told.
Why did that preacher bloke have to glue jubs to a playmobil figure? The one on the right in the first photo looks to have a decent enough pair.
Also, the great unwashed look to be on the clean side. Either they've just been doused by a water canon or El Reg didn't want to give them a make over for fear of of legal action. I hope it is the former.
It would have been wonderful if someone had gone to the G20 protests dressed in a human-sized Playmobil suit. That person could have tried to mentalise the police into believing that he was actually a life-sized tiny Playmobil figure, and that the police themselves were miniature people, and that everybody at the protest was a toy of some kind, the playthings of mysterious slobbering giants from the skies.
In The Register's Playmobil world do the Playmobil people play with tiny little models of human beings?
I suspect Playmobil pron is very illegal nowdays, it being a particularly orrible perversion. Anyway, there is a precedent that the Playmobil characters watch normal, er, vanilla flavoured, grumbleflicks.... check out the Hans Beck tribute here:
Congrats to El Reg for the excellent coverage, tho I'm concerned about the missing Somali pirates. I hope they weren't hiding under that hat.