proof at last
violent games make people violent
A man has been sentenced to life in prison after killing his partner, who’d become hooked on Grand Theft Auto. Carol Cannom, 46, from Lincolnshire, installed a 37in plasma TV in the couple’s bedroom and would regally stay up to the wee small hours playing the game on a PlayStation 3, night after night. But Cannom’s …
...that video games make people kill people.... obviously he subliminally took in the "evil kill-people suggestions" whilst sleeping as his partner played.... so the solution is obvious, ban violent video games!!!!!!
My pro-gaming agenda aside, I really feel sorry for the kid, nobody should have to go through that... on top of that the poor kid is probably in care now too... which sucks.
As sad as this story is - my sincere condolencies to the family of the deceased - I can't help but wonder what the anti-violent-game lobby will be saying. Are we to expect messages warning us that playing GTA (or similar) may seriously endager OUR lives?
If gamers state that the victim was harmless and only amusing herself the retort will be along the lines of: 'Oh, come on. This is an isolated case! It has no bearing on gamers being in danger.'
We'll just have to wait and see what is said now the boot is on the other foot.
Look, I don't want to condone stabbings, but haven't we heard a lot about sleep deprivation in all the news about Guantanamo Bay?
Sleep deprivation causes irritability, delusion and aggression. The man must of gone a fair time without a full night's sleep -- surely some leeway should be given for this...?
What's your evidence for that? The sweeping and pretty baseless conclusion one could draw from this is that playing computer games increases your chance of being murdered (indeed, this case will have increased the statistic by 1).
All I can sweepingly draw otherwise is the opposite of your conclusion - that *not* playing computer games make you violent. Either read the article properly, or shut up!
From the article: "Palmer, who admitted to the murder, will spend at least 14 years behind bars before being considered for parole."
14 years for killing another human being? Seems a bit cheap, doesn't it?
How about: "You get out as just soon as she's no longer dead."?
No wonder people do things like this.
come on guys, you're slacking, you should know there is *always* a way to twist any story to fit with a government agenda:
if this game had been banned then she wouldn't have been playing it so this incident would never have happened and another life would have been saved, therefore banning violent games will save lives, think of the women!