Call me a sentimental fool...
...but I always had a bit of a soft spot for toymakers. I always imagine people making toys as amiable, good-natured people putting their skills to use doing nice things. You know, like in fairy stories.
And then something like this happens, where someone decides it would be a positive thing to take said little figures and mutilate them in order to replicate something hideous that was done to a guy two thousand years ago and was quite bad enough then, thanks.
Then the aforementioned toymakers, far from being amiable and good-natured, get all litigatious and try to control what people can and can't do with the toys they've *bought*...
Actually I'd be more supportive of the company and would understand completely if their argument had been less about copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property and more along the lines of, "no, don't melt and crucify the poor little guys, that's really *horrible*. How would *you* feel?".
What a world, what a world...