April Fools!
Skype was pushed onto Apple's iPhone at the instigation of the VoIP app's corporate owner eBay, the Reg can exclusively reveal - in order to reap huge sums from government listening agencies interested in spying on Jesus-mobe-toting terrorists. The revelations come from a disgruntled eBay insider familiar with the matter, …
The trouble with the world today is that too many unbelievable stories turn out to be real and the more reasonable ones are all fakes.
How much did the NSA pay you to run this one today, so that everyone will dismiss it as a joke and let them get on with listening in tomorrow without anyone believing that they are?
Remember, it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
Its all true.
i actually know the employee in question. He is living in my house at the moment.
I was contracted last year to install BeOS onto those servers in China
And while talking on Skype this morning on my iPhone, when i said 'hammer' it suddenly launched 'Days of Thunder' (an american racing program BTW)
you may laugh now, but just wait....
Too far-fetched to be believable.
Now, dear el-Reg employees, listen up! A successful April Fools "news article" should be utterly believable from beginning to end, and mercilessly deny clues to its fraudulent nature to all who lack knowledge of critical details (aka advanced boffinry). The most straightforward sign of success is that the story is picked up by the wire services and republished far and wide as genuine news.
Back to the drawing boards, lads and lasses, and better luck next year.