Ok hold up
First of all I'd like to ask someone to please for the love of all that's good and holy make these people stop already with the use of the fucking word "cyber" in conjunction with every other word. It's prodigious use in the draft bill made it almost totally unreadable not to mention making the article just as difficult to read.
Second, I like Obama and trust him more than I have any politician in a very long time. I would hope that he appoints people who I can trust as well. However at the end of the day he is STILL a politician and as such my trust stops at a very defined point. That point is even shorter when it comes to underlings who are nominating or attempting to appoint other underlings to positions where they would hold this level of sway with the President when it comes to these kinds of security and infrastructure matters.
The language in the bill is FAR to vague and the powers outlined FAR to broad giving people whom I don't at all trust FAR to much control. In addition the licensing and certification requirements they keep harping on makes it sound like part of the bill was drafted by some company that provides training services so they can get in on some fat government money. The whole thing is a monumentally bad idea on every level and I would encourage anyone who can to find out if they have any local constituency supporting (or potentially supporting) this load of shit, and if so write or call them to express what a woefully misguided plan this bill is.