But, but, but...
Wikipedia is *already* a better search engine than Google for a lot of stuff. Take almost any dry, factual subject matter and you'll find that the WP entry contains an abstract (that you can mine for further search keywords) and external links to decent references. Compare that to Google, which will probably bring up a shopping page that wants to sell you your search expression. (Has anyone else noticed this? I type in something like "Diet of Worms" and in amongst the diet pills and the gardening there will be a link trying to sell me part of medieval Europe. Of course, once you click on it, they turn out to be out of stock.)
Of course, ask a controversial question and you're sunk, but Google is no better here either, and in *most* cases it is pretty clear when you've stumbled on a controversial question and you can even browse the fire-fight on WP and learn *why* it is controversial.
Wikipedia's great, once you learn how to use it.