Obvious thing.
You don't need it for self-driving cars.
Humans seem to be able to drive cars relatively well, acting purely on cues in the immediate vicinity and without knowing what every other vehicle within an umpteen mile radius is doing at the time.
Accidents are usually caused by inattention, failure to react quickly enough to a situation or driving in a manner to which the conditions are not conducive. An autonomous, independantly operating, self-driven vehicle will never take its eyes off the road, will always react faster than a human ever possibly could and will always operate within the parameters dictated by the situation which it finds itself in. Ergo, no CVIS requirement here.
Finally, if one were to postulate self-driving vehicles that *relied* on the CVIS information to do their stuff, anything on the road that wasn't CVIS tracked (pedestrians, cyclists, older vehicles etc.) would be dead meat! Rather less safe, in fact, than a purely autonomous solution designed to work with its immediate surroundings rather than some central system's idea of what's going on.
Which ignorant pillock at the EU connected this idiotic proposal to the self-driving vehicle concept anyway? It's bad enough that they're a bunch of swivel-eyed nazis without you adding fuel to the fire with your headline and subhead.....