Re: The guy in the giant white Mekon hat pic.
What's more surprising was that he found himself with a nice bouiffant hair-do after the experiment.
Brain brainboxes in America and the Netherlands have come up with two significant pieces of research this week. Doubt is cast on any hopes for an early recovery from the present global economic crisis: but then a ray of light appears from another direction. Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) scanner in action A clue as to why the …
"......the brain reliquishes (sic) responsibility while being advised by experts"
The big consultancies have known this for years. They all know that nothing in the pitch really matters, 'cos all the mug punter^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hminister / CEO actually hears is: "Blah, blah, database, blah, service bus, blah blah, customer focus, blah, free lunch, blah, blah, biometrics, blah, blah, sign here."
I think the point is that they don't even -try to evaluate- the advice - and that it's not a conscious, "I trust this guy, I think he knows what he's doing", but an unconscious reaction to their being an expert. In other words, that even a non-trusted expert could have the same effect if the listener thinks they're an expert anyway.